3 teams
3 months
$300k USDC


Nouns will fund three teams for three-month sprints @ $100k each to build dedicated communication clients for Nouns using the Farcaster protocol.


Nouns has yet to make meaningful leaps in how information is surfaced across the ecosystem. This round aims to solve for that using a promising social technology being built in a community that complements Nouns, Farcaster.


Teams will submit their proposals to a Prop House round. When the submission period ends, the Nouns community will vote on the proposals. The top three proposals will be funded $100k USDC each.


Submission period ends on March 24th, 2024. Voting period then begins and ends on March 29th, 2024.


You can submit your proposal on the Nouns Prop House here.

Submissions are open until March 24th, 2024


Neynar is the easiest way to build on Farcaster. They've been kind enough to reach out and offer their support for Nouns x Farcaster. All winning teams will be receiving a 90% discount on their first three months of Neynar.


Pinata makes it simple to store and retrieve media on IPFS and build social applications with Farcaster. They have generously extended an offer to grant the winners of Nouns x Farcaster one year of Pinata's Picnic Plan at no cost (usage fees still apply beyond the plan's limits).


Airstack is the easiest way to build composable blockchain apps. They have graciously reached out to offer their support by providing $150 in Airstack credits for each of the winners.

Nouns x Farcaster stems from an onchain proposal submitted to Nouns. Please read the proposal here: It will help paint a clearer picture of what this is about.
Yes! Teams can be made up of individuals or groups.
"A dedicated Nouns client to help surface information across the ecosystem” can be widely interpreted and we hope to see all manner of creative ideas.
While the prompt "nouns communication client" is open to interpretation, there are two requierements: the client must be a dedicated Nouns communication client and built using the Farcaster protocol.
The submission period ends on March 24th, 2024. Voting period then begins and ends on March 29th, 2024.
Teams are expected to work on their clients for 3 months. The Nouns community will act as both its first users and support system. The goal is to ship a dedicated client that the Nouns users can use every day.
Nouns holders and delegates will be voting via Prop House. The three submissions with the most votes win.
Teams can choose to propose directly to Nouns for follow on funding. If the client is successful, Nouns will be open to funding further development.
You will receive 100K USDC with the expectations that you will ship a dedicated client that the Nouns users can use every day. You should give frequent updates about your development progress and present your final work at the end of the 3 month sprint.
Please feel free to use the /nounsfarcaster channel at to post your questions. We will be happy to help you out.
Nounsfolk wishlists:
six — q/dau 🎩
I wrote some initial thoughts on the Nouns x Farcaster prop, and some ideas that I think a Nouns-focused Farcaster client could take advantage of. Open to comments, feedback, additional suggestions, etc.
please please come build a farcaster client that could serve the nouns community even better than warpcast! my top two “ideas for builders” if you’re looking for inspiration below (screenshot from my vote reason)
carlos juar.eth
Inspired by nouns such as @six, @noun40 and @seneca I’ve decided to share some initial thoughts on what I would like to see for the proposal “Nouns x Farcaster”. I’ve enabled comments in it, you know what to do 😘
Nouns x Farcaster RFC: - can we move prop or candidate signaling onto the Farcaster social feed? likes + comments are just as valuable as onchain signals (since most of the attention is here) - Nouner only mode - New ways to distribute funding ( is a good start) - Nouns specific frames (propdates etc)